Placing Dogs in the Lap of Luxury


Misfit Manor Dog Rescue Society is always looking for fosters. With our focus being on those with special needs our fosters require an excellent veterinary reference and an interest in providing the extra time and care our dogs typically require.  Many of our dogs are in care long term and becoming a foster with MMDR can be a big commitment. 

Fostering is a very rewarding way to care for the many abandoned and abused dogs looking for new homes. These dogs need a safe and loving home to stay in until they find their permanent homes and your kindness and dedication is greatly appreciated.

Your role as a Foster Home is vital since you will be the primary care giver and protector for these dogs, some of which have never had a loving home. You are also there to make sure that they are getting all their necessary vetting, physical and emotional needs. It is impossible not to grow attached to them, no matter how long they are in your care, but knowing that you have prepared them for their lives in a happy home makes their leaving easier.

MMDRS provides its foster parents with everything necessary to care for their foster dog (food, crates, collars, etc). All veterinary care and medications are paid for by MMDRS.  The only thing that you need to give them is LOVE!

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